Tank Inspections reports

What's In The Report?

A full and detailed report on the condition of the tank, together with a remaining life expectancy value (if a UT inspection was carried out) is issued usually within three weeks of on-site data collection. 

Report contents will be dependent on the type of inspection being made, for instance in-service, ultrasonic or full drain-down internal inspection.

A typical report would include:

  • Clear executive summary
  • Detailed reporting on the condition of the tank’s foundation, shell and ends, flange connections & any auxiliary equipment
  • Simple traffic light assessment of whether each item inspected has passed, requires action or has failed 
  • Predicted remaining life of the vessel
  • Photographs of any areas of concern
  • Action points where remedial action is deemed necessary, included recommended schedule of activity
  • Advice on whether additional testing is recommended 
  • Recommended date of next inspection.

a dossier of inspections

By having scheduled inspection periods a full dossier can be built up for each individual tank by Tank Inspections Ltd which will allow any indication of slow degradation to be recorded.

We can arrange fixed inspection periods for us to contact you when an inspection is due. This will alleviate some of your responsibilities ensuring you have safe and secure tanks, vessels and other equipment. We will keep a copy of your records and maintain a full “tank” history dossier and database.

Get your tank tested